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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Want to come along?

June 12 - Tonight we had dinner with Jim & Margaret to invite them to come along on the pick-up venture.  They enthusiastically accepted!  At this point we are guessing that the ship will arrive June 23 based on her current speed and AIS position.

June 20 – The shipper informed us today that the ship could be on time for the Thursday offload, but due to congestion in Victoria harbor, they can’t get a slip for her, and the offload might be delayed till Sunday.  Going to have to rearrange vacation schedules and take Mo/Tu rather than Th/Fr.

June 21 - The shipper informed us that they found a berth for the ship in Nanaimo and we will be offloading Saturday.  This is good news because then we will have a full four days to play with her!

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