This morning Dave went over to Saltydog to plan the installation of the new moving map/GPS system. Steve and Joan would like their whole main console reworked so that Joan can see better over the top of it, and they want a new moving map installed. This means all the existing instruments and the VHF radio handset have to be moved around and a new console installed. We wanted to get the parts on order because we won't be able to come back to the US till everything arrives and Dave can complete the installation.
As this afternoon was time for the big playoff game - Seattle vs Green Bay, Melissa did a bit of cooking. She made fresh olive rosemary bread. A chicken, bacon, and cheese dip, and a huge veggie platter. The crowd at the TV room in the marina was filled with Green Bay fans - all except for Dave and Melissa. Melissa kept saying, "the hawks are a second half team", "the hawks are a second half team"... Nearing the end of the 4th quarter, we had gotten pretty despondent though. Wasn't looking good. But then... well you all know the rest of this story! Go Hawks!!