We awoke to a gorgeous day. Dave says it will start raining tomorrow, so good day to go home. Melissa spent the morning doing 13 Trip Advisor reviews of all the restaurants we visited on this trip. Dave is still playing with his new drone toy. He made a couple of great videos - one of our favorite restaurant Mercedes, and the other one of one of the boats at anchor in the bay.
We asked for a late check out (3pm) because our flight wasn't until 6pm. The Airbnb host happily agreed. Alas at about noon the maid showed up to start cleaning and we hadn't even begun packing yet. So after we got all packed, we stripped the beds, took out the trash, and generally cleaned as much as we could to minimize the work they would have remaining when they returned. We also left them some food, and the Spanish keyboard Dave bought when his computer needed repair a few days ago.
Our flight was reportedly 30 minutes delayed. The plane was late coming from Seattle. Apparently Alaska Air published an apology for the recent delays (we were 2 hours late out of Seattle the day we left) because they didn't have enough baggage handlers in Seattle. Very odd as its not like the holiday rush was a new thing this year. So we hung at an airport bar for a while before heading to the gate at the time we were told the flight would board. Only to find that we were the last in line to get aboard. Dave says that "a melissa" must have been in charge and hustled them all to hurry up and get back on time. It was a very bumpy flight all the way home. Only for a few minutes two or three times did the seat belt sign get turned off.
We arrived home and Melissa was asleep long before midnight when the fireworks went off to celebrate the new year. zzzzzz.
Great vacation!